Asus rog laptop fan control
Asus rog laptop fan control

asus rog laptop fan control

Click the “More Details” button to see which programs are taking up CPU resources-you can even click on the CPU column to sort by usage. Hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Windows' Task Manager to see what programs are currently running. If you're gaming, some additional fan noise is to be expected, but if you're just sitting on the desktop and your machine sounds like a wind tunnel, something may be wrong.

asus rog laptop fan control

(Modern ROG machines even have a "zero decibel" mode that turns the fans off completely during idle or light workloads.) So if you hear fans roaring, there's a good chance something on your computer is working hard. In an ideal situation, your fans should be quiet during low-power tasks. Check for runaway programs and blocked vents If you hear these types of sounds, back up your machine right away and stop using it until you can safely replace the drive with your data intact. But if you hear other sounds, like clicking or grinding, that could be due to a failing hard drive-a much more nefarious and urgent problem. Note that we're specifically discussing laptop fans in this article, as that's the most common cause of noise. If you'd like to enjoy the sound of silence again, here are a few tips to keep your computer quiet. Nearly every computer requires cooling during intense tasks, and some laptops out there-we won't name names-are more boisterous than others. Here at ROG, we balance performance with cool, quiet operation, with tools to let you customize your experience. As you lean closer to the screen, lost in the moment, you hear a noise-is that.a fan? No, it isn't the zombies in your game trying to escape the summer heat-it's your computer, trying desperately to keep itself cool, but pulling you out of the moment with the whirring of its cooling system. You're on the edge of your seat, absorbed in a suspenseful movie or nail-biting horror game.

Asus rog laptop fan control