Download red figure bell krater
Download red figure bell krater

(b) Three ephebi conversing, wearing fillets and wrapped in himatia the central figure stands to right, and the one on the right extends right hand as if speaking. Within is seen the upper part of the door in perspective, turned back on its hinge on both parts are broad black bands studded with large white nails.

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On the right is a Doric column, beyond which a bearded middle-aged man stands looking on, with a white fillet, the ends of which hang down, himation over left shoulder, and right hand on knee behind him is a doorway, with a half-door over which a youth in a himation is leaning, looking to left. A more youthful figure, with radiated fillet, the ends of which hang down, climbs on to the chair, on which his left foot is placed, with the aid of a staff in his left hand. (a) Erastes-scene: On the left is a youth, ityphallic, seated on a chair to right, with radiated fillet and drapery under him, left arm placed behind his head his feet rest on a footstool. Above the designs, laurel-wreath below, maeander and crosses below the handles, palmettes.

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Designs red on black ground, with white accessories.

Download red figure bell krater